Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Waiting for Global Warming

If worrying about the economy isn't enough, we also have a few additional worries including a near miss asteroid which could have wiped out our world and, of course, global warming. In Georgia, we are struggling through a ten year drought which makes global warming seem very real. However, recently we have been having weird cold weather. As I documented before, we got huge hail and tornadoes last week. This week we got five inches of snow in MARCH! And we got subfreezing temperatures. So where is global warming? In honor of the weather, I prepared my famous Chicken and Okra, the perfect dish to warm up your soul.
Chicken and Okra Stew
Cut up two or three chicken breasts into large chunks (thighs are great, too)
1 TBSP olive oil
One small sweet onion, chopped
2 cans tomatoes with green pepper (or use fresh green pepper)
2 cups of fresh chopped okra (can use frozen)
lemon juice
1 tsp of red pepper flakes (use more or less depending on your spice tolerance)
1/2 tsp garlic powder
salt and pepper to taste
fresh, chopped parsley
Fry the chicken in hot olive oil until brown on all sides. While chicken is browning sprinkle 1 - 2 tbsp of lemon juice on the okra in a bowl and set aside. (If using frozen, omit the lemon juice soak.)
Add the onion to the skillet (pushing chicken aside) and cook until limp. Add the cans of tomatoes, garlic powder and red pepper. Simmer , covered, for 30 -45 min until the chicken is done. Add the okra and simmer another 15-20 minutes with the lid off until okra is done. Add a handful of chopped parsley and salt and pepper to taste.
Serve over rice. This makes enough for 6-8 servings. I usually freeze half for later.

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